Sujet :

Shermanologie Braillienne

shermanologue de garde
   Posté le 31-01-2006 à 13:54:33   

Adrian Camp a écrit ceci sur ML-Braille Scale

Missing-Lynx members Sherman summary January 31 2006, 4:05 AM

First, I have the FOV ( Forces of Valor- j'en ai vu chez Azimut ) sherman, and find only the hull is really any use, the bogeys are too wide to use, the turret seems short front to rear. Some nice detail for a diecast, pity you have to remove it all. Mine is getting a HaT suspension, I don't think it deserves the ESCI.

Second, this is the summary of Shermans announced for 2006


M4 Mid ( ou M4A2 ???)
M4A3E8 T-80 track


07222 US M4A1(76)W Tank
07224 M4A3 Tank
07225 M4A3E8 Tank (T66 Track)
07226 M4A3 76(W) Tank
07229 M4A3E8 Tank (T80????)


DRA7271 - M4a3 (76mm) VVSS
DRA7272 - M4a3e2 (Jumbo)
DRA7273 - M4a3 (Normandy)
DRA7303 - Firefly Vc

Not a lot of inspired choice, save the Firefly Vc, but it's to be hoped these will all be better and/or cheaper than the M4A3s currently available. UM and Dragon can be relied on to fill every gap someday, DML are making M4A2s of all kinds and hybrid M4s in that big scale they do. Most of Trump's 2005 list is still to emerge, and they have taken the 48th route a little too keenly for me.

Mirage? A couple of years ago they announced everything M4 including M10, M7, Sexton, whatever. However it seems they pass their kit lists to the box artist but never tell the mouldmakers......
   Posté le 31-01-2006 à 15:57:24   

C'est la shermanomania !!!!!
Et la M4 A2 dans tout ça ???????
DUDU 33310
   Posté le 31-01-2006 à 19:35:57   

Encore l eternel oublier avec le M4 A4 !!!
   Posté le 31-01-2006 à 20:13:18   

Extratech/eduard a dù balancer sa série à la poubelle !
colonel klink
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 08:18:44   

le M4A3 a le vent en poupe

esperons qu'il ne faudra pas plusieurs années pour concretiser tous ces programmmes
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 08:46:24   

Il va que je me rabatte sur Armo pour avoir le M4 A2 !
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 09:28:34   

A moins que mirage ne porte plus correctement son nom !
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 15:52:54   

Ils vont changer de nom pour "Magie".
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 20:10:44   

La dame de "plastique" ?
shermanologue de garde
   Posté le 02-02-2006 à 20:48:28   

La plastique de la dame ?