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shermanologue de garde
une première analyse, en grand-breton
Plus précisément
Both kits share a common sprue B and C which represents the suspension, underhull and all separate tools and surface details such as armored fuel caps, gun barrels, etc. They both appear to be in 1/72 scale using reduced plans from Hunnicutt publications, which is confirmed by placement next to the 1/70 scale Hasegawa kit and the 1/76 scale Matchbox offering. Surface details match details on both the respective 1/35 scale Academy and AFV Club kits, although there are a few missing or indistinct details which would benefit from a good PERTINENT photo etch set. The M3 suffers from a slight sink mark on the upper hull protruding engine screen area which is fixable. The M3 uses an unusual construction method because of the rivet pattern. The 8 sided turret sides are cast as one continuous piece with an inside vertical groove at bend points. This allows bending to a continuous turret side with a row of rivets adjacent to each horizontal bend, which is supposed to eliminate a tough seam between 2 rows of rivets. The same method is used with the turret cupola. The entire M3 upper hull is cast in one piece with all the plan view rivets and details, then rivet detailed flat side pieces are attached. The M3A3 is more conventionally molded since it does not have the M3 rivet complications. The M3A3 showed no apparent sink marks. The separate details applicable to both such as 30 cal mgs are OK, but not great. The tracks are the same for both kits and were well molded with prominent track teeth, but of course are molded in the “Mirage Rubber” which is tough to clean up and glue. While these are ”live” tracks, meaning no sag, they are just not very good by today’s standards and must be even more of a problem for younger builders who do not have the “wider glue knowledge” and skills of more experienced builders. It is very tough to remove sprue marks from the track sides or do the ”Zaloga Method” of track end detail enhancement. The decals are useful with the M3 decal being minimal with stars, logo and serials for 3 US and serials for 3 UK western dessert tanks. The M3A3 decal is more colorful with full details for 2 French 2nd AD and 2 Chinese tanks. The only photoetch included is of a detachable driver’s screen for the M3A3, which is very low on my Stuart photoetch list of needs and appears to be included to be able to say “PE Included”. I purchased both kits from WCM -, which is Mirage’s Warsaw store outlet. They were not cheap at $21 US each after credit card charges and Air Mail postage for 4 kits. I think that both kits will build into excellent models, the biggest problem being preserving rivet detail at construction joints and the perennial continuous rubber track problems.
pour les panzer Iv il y en a 2 de disponible : le C et le D ,pour les autres ils sont dans la liste "coming soon" du site WCM !!!
Ca vient à pied depuis la Pologne !
Justement, ils s'appelent Mirage.
Rapport de cause à effet ?
Et où en est la série des Pz IV qu'ils devaient nous sortir nos amis de chez MIRAGE.......???????
On en avait pas besoin en 40 puisque nous avions déjà l'AMR.
Pas trop tot! Parceque Depuis celui d HASEGAWA et de MACHTBOX ça faisait un bail qu on avait pas vu de stuart a nos echelles..
Et pourtant c est un char qu on a vu pratiquement sur tout les fronts (bon pas en france en 40...)
shermanologue de garde
Le M3A3 je suppose.
Le prêt-bail donc "unités équipées Commonwealth" en Europe du nord-Italie, plus les Chinois en Birmanie. Et les Français dans les DB (1e-2e-5e a priori, avec des M5A1 quand même) plus les unités de reconnaissance genre Spahis dans les divisions d'infanterie. Pas les Soviétiques (qui préféraient le Valentine comme char léger-de reconnaissance).
D'autres petits pays en Amérique sans doute, mais guère de combats.
Les Ricains se sont limités aux M5 et M5A1 (mais qui sont allés aussi aux Alliés cependant).

la version avec déco française me botte bien aussi.

par contre, sur quel terrain d'opération ont ils le plus opérer ?
DUDU 33310
Il vas y avoir des Stuart Francais partout ; depuis le temps qu on l attend celui la !!! Super !!!

Message édité le 08-05-2006 à 10:03:12 par DUDU 33310
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