Sujet : sherman UM |
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| Posté le 05-03-2007 à 15:03:51
| Y a plus qu' à le trouver ... |
| Posté le 05-03-2007 à 15:05:53
| Parfait pour les quelques exemplaires reçus au printemps 45 à la 2e DB ou à Okinawa chez les Américains, si l'on se fie aux photos. |
| Posté le 05-03-2007 à 15:06:32
| Un sherman qui fait le printemps ! |
| Posté le 05-03-2007 à 22:16:49
| Trop tard pour la Normandie si je n'm'abuse. |
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| Posté le 09-03-2007 à 07:07:25
| Pour l instant c est le seul M4 late qui existe non ??? |
| Posté le 09-03-2007 à 15:00:57
| Depuis fujimi . |
| Posté le 09-03-2007 à 21:41:49
| Ouaip mais c est du 76 !!! |
| Posté le 10-03-2007 à 10:41:57
| Discrimination ? |
| Posté le 10-03-2007 à 13:47:37
| Non , j ai plein de maquettes au 1/76 , ce sont surtout des camions Anglais !!! |
| Posté le 12-03-2007 à 09:03:14
| Alain a écrit :
je prefere les dragons |
moi aussi, le montage sera moins plaisant |
| Posté le 12-03-2007 à 20:17:02
| Premières impressions en vo Today I went to one of mine local shops to pick up the new UM first of series Sherman - M4(105)HVSS... but finaly I didn't buy it. Turret looks familiar to Esci one, but I don't like the too small vents and late comander cuppola. I don't have any UM kit's so far, so I can't compare it with their earlier stuff, but I thing that for a price of Dragon kit we should get something a bit better. Details of periscopes and hatjes are flat and ugly... 2-3 years ago I would buy it, but now I think I'll wait for Dragon one, hope they will relese one. The only thing that I liked is the suspension. Nice detailed boogies and good trackts. I think that their Easy8 could be even more detailed than Dragon one! And that's, and standard M4 are what I'm looking forward now from UM. Both of shose, mixed with some dragon details ( hatches ) could turn into real great kits! Cheers Jakub |
| Posté le 12-03-2007 à 22:58:10
| highly not recommanded ? |
| Posté le 13-03-2007 à 07:23:48
| Pour les trappes il conseil de les changer par des Dragon ; ca tombe bien il y a des doublons dans leur boites !!! |
| Posté le 19-04-2007 à 10:47:32
| Vu sur Missing Lynx Braille scale Quick comments about the UniModel M4(105) HVSS April 18 2007 at 7:43 PM Jolyon Ralph (Login jolyon) Missing-Lynx members -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just received this today, and I'm suitably impressed. Yes, it's not quite up to Dragon standards, but it's certainly better than the Trumpeter kits. Ok. This what you get: A turret sprue with two top halves, one with split hatch, one with commander's cupola. Strangely only the latter has two fume extractors (I'm beginning to learn some of this crazy Sherman stuff!). You get two sprues with HVSS wheel assemblies - comparing them they're probably on a par with Trumpeter in quality. But they have hard tracks (although the later-style T-80 tracks) But the most important part is the sprues for the hull. You get the parts to build either an M4, M4A2 or M4A3 (all with later 57 degree hulls of course). So, I can quite happily build the M4(105)HVSS as it is, and have enough spares left over to convert the Dragon M4A3(76) to an M4A2(76) for use with the excellent Ace decals! Yes, I'm sure Dragon will release it, but this is FAR more fun! Most of this you may already have figured out from the sprue scans... But one thing that wasn't clear before is there is a photo-etch fret containing light guards, etc, and something that I am VERY pleased to see with the UM kit is they provide small shaped blocks of plastic on the main sprues that you can use to bend these into the correct shapes - The Dragon kits seem very well engineered in terms of precision of shapes and the quality of photoetch - but they can be a real pig to put together sometimes - it seems they don't actually think very much about how people have to build them. I'm very pleased to see that UM have thought about this and provided a solution. May well work to shape the Dragon pieces too. Jolyon Respond to this message Author Reply Luis Rodríguez Duarte (Login LuisRDuarte) Missing-Lynx members Thanks for the commentaries April 19 2007, 4:06 AM Because although I buyed 3 of this kits in my local hobby shop (that used to make foreign purchases of new kits and non-locally distributed brands) this same afternoon a S.O.B. stolen my bag with them (and two Academy Half-Tracks, an T-26 with BT turret and various decals, DAMN IT!) and this reference and the other news from UM not arrived yet through the local dealer (of course, the hobby shop run out them this same day!). I've forced to buy them through Jadar and I'm waiting for them. Indeed the better value of this kit, at least for me, is to be a basis for further models of M4s. For transformation nuts like me it's a blessing to have this plethora of alternative pieces, that allows to scratch-build more variants. I managed to see (previous the disaster!) that the M4A3 engine doors are for the initial model, very rare in 47º hulls but far more common in 60º hull. Although UM announced M4A2s, the spare parts are very welcomed for a M4A3 to M4A2 transformation. The idea of a jig for PE parts is an interesting and very, very useful one! I have no idea of it, so your commentary is very appreciated. In few words, perhaps this variant should not be the most appreciated, but nevertheless are the milestone for a new breed of 1/72 Shermans that promises the much-desired Diesel engined M4s. Any new about the M4A2? I'll buy a half-dozen! (the Hell, better a whole dozen!!) Thanks again and cheers! |
| Posté le 19-04-2007 à 20:41:04
| Un peu moins bien que dragon mais mieux que trumpeter. Alors vaudrait-il mieux un M4A2 mouture dragon ? |
| Posté le 04-06-2007 à 18:51:12
| Quelqu'un a reçu le kit UM ? |
| Posté le 05-06-2007 à 19:51:14
| J'en ai un un, pourquoi ? |
| Posté le 05-06-2007 à 20:46:23
| Comme je n'en avais pas croisé, je me demandais s'il était sorti en France. |
| Posté le 05-06-2007 à 21:49:43
| Laurent a écrit :
Trop tard pour la Normandie si je n'm'abuse. |
Voui, mais si tu le transformes en VVSS, et ce n'est sûrement pas sorcier, là il y a des possibiltés intéressantes dès que la 2e DB arrive en Normandie.."Moghrane" étant le plus célèbre. Et au 35e la conversion est beaucoup plus rude... petits veinards ! Atchao Laurent |
| Posté le 06-06-2007 à 15:35:15
| translatoretatravers a écrit :
Comme je n'en avais pas croisé, je me demandais s'il était sorti en France. |
L'ai trouvé, il y a un mois . |
| Posté le 06-06-2007 à 18:40:31
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