| | | | | translatoretatravers | traducteur à mitemps (12h pa | Tracks leader | 2277 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-10-2006 à 20:32:22
| You are a tanker if: Your hunting dog obeys the commands "halt", "traverse left/right", "forward", "identified". You recycle because you feel sorry for those poor bastards down at Bragg. You can sleep through a raging thunderstorm, but wake up when your wristwatch alarm goes off. When playing football, you never throw a pass without checking wind, baro and the football's temperature. You let your kids pee off the porch, but ground them when their rooms aren't IAW the standard loadplan. You're always accusing the wife of turning down the volume down on the TV and telephone. You believe that during the Gulf War, everyone was there to support YOU. You laugh at redneck jokes...after they're explained to you. You shy away from helping your kids with their math because you don't have all your fingers. The only ashtrays you have at home are all 120mm aft caps. You giggle uncontrollably when the guys talk about the thrill of firing big bore guns like the .308. You spend your days off in exotic locales like the Patton Museum. You say "On the way!" as you pass gas. You name your kids Abrams, Sheridan, Patton, Walker, etc.... Your kid's nicknames are Sabot, HEAT, HEP, Coax, etc.... You consider four the perfect size for a family. You don't realize that's it's illegal to stick your head out of the sun roof while driving. You and your wife have a his and hers set of coveralls. You look down to read your weight and can't. You have the high score on Tank Battle at every arcade within a ten-mile radius. You remove your headgar and place your hand over your heart before utttering the words "General Patton". by "Old Kentucky Home" you mean Fort Knox. The only scouts you're aware of are Boy and Girl Scouts. Up is no longer a direction for you. You believe a hammer can fix anything. You run up your Sears charge card on 1 1/8" to 4" wrenches. You find "Tank" starring James Garner, to be a far better movie than "Top Gun" starring some priss. You stop by every gas station you pass in order to top-off. You invite all your friends over for a barbecue and all three show up. You can never buy a big enough car to drive around in. Your wife greets you at the door after work with a hose and bottle of degreaser. You drive everywhere, including two houses down.
-------------------- revendeur en pièces détachées d'articles historiques 2e GM-devis sur simple demande |
| translatoretatravers | traducteur à mitemps (12h pa | Tracks leader | 2277 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-10-2006 à 20:33:29
| C'est du moderne sauce américaine, faut connaître le jargon ! Il n'y a pas les mêmes en France ???
-------------------- revendeur en pièces détachées d'articles historiques 2e GM-devis sur simple demande |
| Lionel | Tracks leader |  | 2060 messages postés |
| Posté le 25-10-2006 à 07:03:09
| J'ai bien rigolé quand même... Lionel
-------------------- Plus je connais la guerre, plus je comprends tout ce qui dépend de l'intendance et des transports. Field Air Marshal Wavel |
| jpmad2 | veni, vidi,...ESCI | Tracks leader |  | 295 messages postés |
| Posté le 25-10-2006 à 07:40:03
| idem ditto... nous en Belgique, on a résolu le problème, on a plus de tanks!! J-P
-------------------- "J'ai des questions à toutes vos réponses." Woody Allen |
| Laurent | Faire petit et le faire bien ! | Tracks leader |  | 11249 messages postés |
| Posté le 29-10-2006 à 13:07:32
| Trop compliqué pour moi.
-------------------- Laurent ------------------------------------------------------ j'parle pas aux cons, ça les instruit ! les cons ça ose tout, c'est à ça qu'on les r'connait ! Audiard |
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